This is the ultimate, non-taxing recipe, and as good and moist a cake as you will ever taste.
3/4 pound dried, mixed fruit6 oz light brown sugar
1 tsp mixed spice
4 oz glace cherries, chopped
4 oz butter
1 x 8 oz can of pineapple, strained and chopped
2 eggs, lightly beaten
8 oz all-purpose flour
2 tsps baking powder
Put butter, sugar, and all the fruit into a pan over a gentle heat. Stir until the butter has melted and everything is well mixed. Remove the pan from the heat and gradually stir in the beaten egg. Carefully fold in the flour sieved with the baking powder and spice.Put the mixture into a prepared 8" cake tin and cook in a moderate oven (300 F) for 1 1/4 hours. Allow to firm up for 10 minutes then turn out onto a rack to cool.