1 1/2 pints whole milk1 tbsp rice flour
14 fl oz sweetened, condensed milk
4 oz sugar
2 teaspoons milk
1 tbsp ground almonds
1 tbsp chopped pistachios
Pour milk into a heavy-bottomed pan and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, stirring all the time with a wooden spoon and scraping milk solids that form on the sides back into the pan. When the volume has reduced by almost half add the rice flour and sugar, and cook, stirring, until incorporated and smooth..
Cool the mixture slightly, stirring to prevent a skin forming. Add the can of sweetened condensed milk and mix it in thoroughly, along with the ground and chopped nuts.
Allow the mixture to cool completely then churn it in an ice-cream maker. After 20 minutes but before the kulfi is quite solid, divide it among 6 small, freezer-proof moulds (in India conical metal molds are used), seal and place in freezer.
To serve, remove the molds from the freezer and tap them or warm them slightly with your hands. The kulfi should be eaten immediately as it melts more quickly than other types of ice cream.